Top Earners This Week
Minervain Points: 496
GerwalkVulcan Points: 435
krahuzer Points: 432
route66you Points: 423
Bali505 Points: 410
catch33 Points: 405
TheJohnWick Points: 400
unit13 Points: 399
Dr_Den Points: 397
colton26 Points: 393

【Discord News】Get latest Discord Infos into AWA Forums

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Guide Links

⚡Latest Discord Topics

  • 2024/03/19|Dell Rewards|⭕ Physical Merchs coming for 105 countries more!
  • 2024/02/20|AWA|⭐ Community GiveAways (Beta)
  • 2024/02/05|Dell Rewards|⬆️ DRP now refreshes 4x/year!
  • 2024/01/26|AWA|⭐ Missing Twitch ARP compensation
  • 2024/01/05 - 01/18|Dell Rewards|⭕ DRP Newcomers


2024/02/20|⭐ Community GiveAways (Beta)

Now members could distribute their gifts through GAs!

⚡Artifact & Fragments

2024/01/03|❗ New 3 Artifact Types Upcoming!

So we're getting new types of Artifact with Unknown Effects/Rank/Set.

⚡Dell Rewards

2024/03/19|⭕ Physical Merchs coming for 105 countries more!

Sadly South America region might need to wait a little longer.


2024/02/05|⬆️ DRP now refreshes 4x/year!

5000 DRP x4 per year.... Nice!

New schedule|Feb 01 - May 01 - Aug 01 - Nov 01


2024/01/05 - 01/18|⭕ DRP Newcomers

Bonjour! Guten Tag!

⚡Discord Poll

⚡Game Vault


⚡Steam Community Event

Replies • 107

Old Info (Archived)


2024/01/26|⭐ Missing Twitch ARP compensation#1

2023/11/28|⚒️ AWA Rework#1

⚡Artifact & Fragments

2023/11/21|⚒️ Artifact Room Rework#1

2023/10/31|⏰ Next Artifact Nov 19? Fragments No Info yet#1#2

⚡Dell Rewards

2023/11/16|⭕ DRP Future Plannings#1

2023/10/18|⬇️ DRP Nerf & No Calendar & New Available Regions#1#2#3#4#5

⚡Discord Poll

2023/11/21|❗ Less Poll More Reward 2P2W#1

⚡Game Vault

2023/11/27|⭐ 10 Games with multiple AAA Games#1

2023/11/20|⭐ 9 Games confirmed + 1 Extra (Waiting for confirmation)#1


2023/10/31|❌ REMOVED! Gravewood High Chapter 1 Steam Key#1

⚡Steam Community Event

2023/11/30|⚒️ No more free rides. Time to work TOGETHER AS COMMUNITY!#1

2023/11/06|❔ TBD. No promise but maybe in future...#1

2023/11/01|☠️ We might lose and miss the ARP & Fragments Reward#1#2


Bruceton said: 8h

Ah, dell news AKA what are they taking away from you next?

Well just hope no other bug/glitch appears again since almost 100% after those things a nerf is coming at all...


Thanks for this thread. I don't use Discord and don't understand why I would want to. Everything happens here on this site, but for some reason we are expected to go talk about it on some other social media site. That makes no sense to me and I have no interest in using Discord.

Pessimistic Optimist
AllTracTurbo said: 3h

Thanks for this thread. I don't use Discord and don't understand why I would want to. Everything happens here on this site, but for some reason we are expected to go talk about it on some other social media site. That makes no sense to me and I have no interest in using Discord.

That was my stance when kids pushed me from using Skype to using Discord.
Now - I love it!

Conversation in real time, without delays - that's a plus!
And you don't have to participate in them discussions if you don't want to - many people are just reading, it's not as messy as chats on Twitch or many other streams.

Also - admins are there, much easier to catch them when needed. I know it is not an excuse for lack of communication here on their own site, but at least it's a solution.

And best of all (for many) - Polls! That give ARP. ;P
Not much in total - but every point counts!

AllTracTurbo said: 6h

Thanks for this thread. I don't use Discord and don't understand why I would want to. Everything happens here on this site, but for some reason we are expected to go talk about it on some other social media site. That makes no sense to me and I have no interest in using Discord.

I'll try to update as much as I could but I can't promise real time live update or soon as possible since most of times I'm away or sleeping or doing something else...

But still hope this helps something on site since many people were having those troubles that they don't get any information just only Discord side.

KeeperOfMonsters said: 3h

That was my stance when kids pushed me from using Skype to using Discord.
Now - I love it!

Conversation in real time, without delays - that's a plus!
And you don't have to participate in them discussions if you don't want to - many people are just reading, it's not as messy as chats on Twitch or many other streams.

Also - admins are there, much easier to catch them when needed. I know it is not an excuse for lack of communication here on their own site, but at least it's a solution.

And best of all (for many) - Polls! That give ARP. ;P
Not much in total - but every point counts!

Well that really helps to get people into Discord. But still many people dislikes that so if they tried and they still don't like it, respecting their choices of that.

But yep, many benefits being on there, comparing Discord vs AWA Forums.


I love the condensed information.  As by the time I log in to Discord there are pages to catch up on, so I inevitably miss some information.