Any way to change the "Choose your own game" quest?
I accidentailly chose the wrong game (with a similar name) and now I can't change it.
Mishasama - 05.30.2024 04:35:33
You have to play the wrong game for this week's ARP.😂
Aradiel. - 05.30.2024 05:14:28
You can try marking it as private on Steam, then refreshing the quest. Or just play the game you chose? SAM or ASF mean you don't have to download the game.
Aradiel. - 05.30.2024 05:55:03
@anonumos Potentially, yes. I know when I removed a F2P game from my account, I got removed from a Steam event. I've never tried changing the weekly game, but certainly worth trying.
Rauchen - 05.30.2024 12:48:38
Happened to me too. I ended up playing a game I didn't even remember I had. 🤣 The button placement on AWA is all messed up, though. Confirmation buttons are usually placed on the left-hand side. Can't count how many times I synched my lib.
BraiNKilleRGR - 05.30.2024 14:02:08
You can always run it in geforce now, if supported. I use it to enter some in game codes without download a big game just to delete it right after ☺
BraiNKilleRGR - 05.30.2024 14:21:23
@anonumos Yes I am refering to the free tier !
lomaxgnome - 05.31.2024 14:27:22
You don't have to actually "play" the game, you just have to get the hour of Steam time.
fullmetalpanda67 - 06.01.2024 05:23:56
The issue was that I didn't want to install it. I just skipped it this week. Lesson learned.