Some questions regarding twitch quests: How long must I watch minimum to see ARP progress? I suppose there is a delay of 1h (like steam quests) to update in my control center? Must I watch in a browser or is the twitch app eligible too?
thedoctor1ko - 02.04.2024 11:35:47
Not sure about delays, but you do have to watch in a browser and make sure the AWA extension below the stream is loaded
DrMASE - 02.04.2024 14:18:28
If on a tablet or phone, the browser needs to be in "desktop mode" in the browser settings.
MysteriousMrX - 02.04.2024 17:05:56
There's no delay these days, so you should be seeing Twitch ARP coming up pretty much in real time, and at 0.4 ARP a minute, your first amount should register within 3 minutes.
❤ めぐ ☕ みん ❤ - 02.05.2024 11:43:28
Hmm... for Twitch it varies from 38 min (Min) till 1 hour 21 min (Max), usually with no delay. But the widget must be loaded.