Why does the dell reward points in the marketplace have a days left limit? It says 34 days left. Does this mean they will go away?
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03.27.2024 22:01:24 - PeppermintButler -
Yes. You get a # of days to hold on to Dell Rewards points. Redeem them to convert them to Dell Dollars, or lose them. Once converted to Dell Dollars you get another period where you'll have to spend the amount or lose it for good.
03.27.2024 22:02:11 - MisterMephisto -
Yes, to be replaced by a refresh. You can buy the 5000 points before the countdown ends and then another 5000 will be available to purchase on May 1st, to be replaced by another 5000 on August 1st and then another 5000 on November 1st.
03.28.2024 04:39:03 - SeverusMeowkins -
peppermint is wrong. it's like MisterMephisto says. They added a countdown so it's clear when a new set of Dell Rewards are available to redeem
03.28.2024 15:54:11 - PeppermintButler -
Yeah, I was wrong. Sorry. Didn't notice he was talking about the marketplace timer and confused the question with the timers on the other site.
03.30.2024 15:04:55 - Mecrookie -
ok cool thank you!