
Game Collector

[PSA] Steam Scream Fest|Game Profile, Animated Avatar, Avatar Frame & 7 Stickers
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10.28.2024 18:40:13 - rokocoko -
Link is broken
10.28.2024 22:08:31 - iGnome -
Damn, the stickers are still free, but now they made the other 3 paid for... Such a sh!t move steam !
10.28.2024 22:25:02 - dreZmoL -
A couple of hours ago they were free, now they are paid. Steam becomes as frustrating as the Vault.🤣
10.29.2024 02:38:56 - Bobbydog66 -
@iGnome and @dreZmoL As far as I could tell the haunted theater was always paid, but the ticket frame and skull avatar were free when I got them.
10.29.2024 18:16:45 - hbarkas -
Bobbydog66's info is wrong. The special background was free for a short time mistakenly. How do I know? I got it for free.
10.29.2024 20:10:49 - kovec -
Yeah Haunted Theater stuff was free for a while because i got it too.
10.30.2024 19:05:57 - SeverusMeowkins -
glad i got the profile and avatars while it was free. XD can't believe they made it paid.
11.01.2024 17:52:08 - Jromez -
Oh No