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Global Admin

⁉️Weekend question time: What are some games you would like to see as future community events? Comment below!
Zedamsel - 02.03.2024 15:52:01
Nearly anything Free To Play. My gaming tastes are apparently very different than the mainstream because I almost never have any of the game y'all choose for events.
louvelyn - 02.03.2024 15:55:19
Stuff that's not PvP is always a solid + for me. Stuff that's not plain shooters too, it's more fun to play (solo) when you have an actual story/progress to reach for! Puzzle types, and other genre variety, would also be most welcome.
krishtian - 02.03.2024 15:59:33
If you manage to have partnership and add some paid games into the Vault like Palworld then feel free to make paid game community event. Or anything that lets say you can make as fun as possible, playing on streams together?
Manfred Von Richtofen - 02.03.2024 16:04:27
Games that are free to play so everyone can participate
handyfirst - 02.03.2024 17:15:01
diablo 4
❤ めぐ ☕ みん ❤ - 02.03.2024 17:15:57
Just random posting random things around. DDLC! 😅
FANG_1331 - 02.03.2024 17:30:17
Ryohjin - 02.03.2024 22:13:29
Free to Play games. It's a community events right? So eveyone should be able to participate.
gelchezpez - 02.04.2024 06:48:51
Diablo 4
nooneishere - 02.04.2024 10:23:33
Brawlhalla, a f2p platform fighter in the vein of Super Smash Bros