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The Special One

Is there no daily quest for today? Or did they change the time when it comes out?
DieMaster - 02.06.2024 15:19:43
Wondering same thing, and also why only getting 5 ARP vs. 7 now.
dwolvin - 02.06.2024 15:47:18
I see a 'match it', but the page will not load.
pygmygoat - 02.06.2024 23:41:24
It's the same caching problem from last week that caused many people to miss quests. It's still pointing to yesterday's quest. My solution is to increment the quest number in the URL. For Day 2, the quest number should be 5011.
Goomba Girl - 02.07.2024 05:50:11
You can either do pygmygoat's suggestion which is what I do or you can log out and log back in and that should bring up the new game when it's available.
MSWII - 02.07.2024 07:20:57
Yesterday I could not get Word Fury to start for me even after logging out and back in and today it took me 2 tries and a logout/login to get the Drag and Drop to start. I am having to Log out every day just to get the game to play!... Ano
Totouroboros - 02.07.2024 10:10:26
ok cool I missed it then, I didn't know about this issue and couldn't find the forum anymore.. :( thanks for people posting here and bringing solutions up!
snowcrash79 - 02.07.2024 10:33:37
I did as Goomba Girl says and it fixed the issue, thanks.
Aziels - 02.07.2024 14:22:55
Thanks for the solutions
Palpie - 02.08.2024 01:23:49
The Control Center seems to always show the previous day's quest, but choosing the Games => Quest page from the menus at the top of the page will show the current days quest.