For steam community event just download the game it is free to play for 3 days (42gb) and then join the event and play it or leave it running in background for 5 or more hours. We realistically have 3 or less days to complete the event for free. Let's complete the event.
0 / 240
07.26.2024 13:58:23 - Tabbou -
42Gb is huge. Damn I don't have unlimited data. Bring back the fallout shelter one !
07.26.2024 15:59:47 - TurdFerguson87 -
DbD? You don't need to download. It can be run through GFN, even on mobile. That will save you loads of time.
07.26.2024 17:58:10 - MiguelAngelOA -
Use SAM and don't download the game. Always works for me
07.26.2024 22:43:35 - renegade4652 -
@MiguelAngelOA SAM ?
07.28.2024 03:23:26 - bmurray75 -
@TurdFerguson87 Thank you so much! I had no idea about GeForce Now!
07.28.2024 15:55:20 - Tabbou -
@TurdFerguson87 Can you explain please ? I could play it without install it ?
07.28.2024 15:58:34 - Tabbou -
Oh geforce now has a free sub option I could use it I see
07.28.2024 17:18:51 - TurdFerguson87 -
@Tabbou, it's not really a sub. You can just use it for free, albeit in 1 hour intervals. The sub tier doesn't really offer anything different except to have access to more hours and other perks. All that's needed is an account.
07.28.2024 17:20:18 - TurdFerguson87 -
@Tabbou ...and you actually don't need to download the client for it unless you want to. You only need a Chrome browser (they're fickle about that), so you can play through the web. Works on mobile too the same way.
07.29.2024 18:11:16 - MiguelAngelOA -
@renegade4652 Steam Achievment Manager. Sync your library, open the game and wait instead of download and play