The Calendar is stuck again.
How difficult is it?
I don't understand.
Stuck at day 27 for the past 2 days.
easyrhino - 09.29.2024 21:26:56
the advent calendar for logins? Mine moved beyond 28 days and is "blank" but I got an extra 10 ARP for login.
mterme - 09.30.2024 07:13:57
Maybe clearing your browser temp download and cookies will help?
Fruit Punch Samurai - 09.30.2024 16:30:41
Working fine for me, and I see only one person complaining in the relays.
StarMaker - 09.30.2024 18:43:56
@fullmetalpanda67 - Usually it is just an AWA display issue. Did you check your 'My ARP Progress' screen? Happens to me all the time. I logout, then back in, and the data displayed catches back up.