Guys n gals can someone tell where im going wrong, i finally made it to tier 2 and have enough ARP saved and i was wanting to get The Hotline Miami Collection but cant ?? sorry for the nooby question but any help is much appreciated. Cheers
Red Dwarf - 03.13.2025 10:57:11
The game vault hasn't opened yet. BTW when it does open, the games go very quickly. Good luck!
Umster - 03.13.2025 11:29:55
oh ok my bad, i thought it opened then you get games through out the month. thanks heaps for the knowledge champion
monknl - 03.13.2025 14:09:51 that post has a countdown timer on when it opens. So make sure your ready to log in once it opens.
LeNoob7 - 03.13.2025 20:29:27
We get around 500ms(half second) when the vault opens to claim most of the popular games.Cant claim them any time we want.It's sort of like a lottery where every one clicks manually or automatically through scripts when the vault opens.
TurdFerguson87 - 03.14.2025 15:16:19
Geez, don't scare me like that!
Umster - 03.15.2025 02:22:05
thanks for the answers guys
Umster - 03.22.2025 08:55:51
oh man ! the vault unlocked at like 4 or 5am and i missed it by an hour or so, i was so excited to get the "Hotline Miami Collection" but i missed it. im so spewn hopefully next time. thanks for the help guys