Is there a bug on Steam Game Quest this week? Because i've already played 2 hours of Fallout and still not showing up the completion.
jsmith1976 - 11.19.2024 20:52:11
It takes an hour or two for it to update after you've closed the game on Steam.
TurdFerguson87 - 11.19.2024 23:34:19
Dude, just be patient. It's the same story as always. I'm also certain the site only records what was live during a certain time as well, so you have to wait for it to refresh. It's not immediate.
kovec - 11.20.2024 03:10:06
Yeah not working for me either.
easyrhino - 11.20.2024 06:35:06
wait, my games this week are Icarus and Planetside. (in the USA). The quest games are different by region?
perberos - 11.20.2024 07:11:45
Remember that there are plenty users, so to prevent overload on the alienware servers, it take time to verify. But just in case, play another one hour if you can. @easyrhino: no, they are the same. One of the 3 slots is user-selected.
FLYeRNeT - 11.20.2024 17:00:33
@easyrhino I'm in France and I also have Icarus and Planetside + a custom game
Fruit Punch Samurai - 11.20.2024 17:43:06
@jsmith1976 @TurdFerguson87 @kovec @perberos - Steam performs their weekly maintenance on Tuesdays, so I try to avoid that day for making progress on Steam Quests.
TurdFerguson87 - 11.20.2024 17:56:42
That is also worth the consideration.
kovec - 11.21.2024 01:02:04
Okay i made a mistake but not from the AWA side. I tend to keep my Steam profile to friends only privacy and i had another setting enabled to "always keep my total playtime private..." Duh, no wonder it didn't work.
syl_jr - 11.21.2024 14:31:00
Delete browser cache? Maybe....