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🎮 Game Vault #Jul19-1

🚨 Official AWA Announcement
 We are looking into POSSIBLY getting some more keys.
 Game Vault postponed till next week Jul 22 20:00 UTC.
MiguelAngelOA - 07.19.2024 22:24:09
So this means they wont resuply games like Gold Road? Ngl, that sounds unfair.
chepua - 07.19.2024 22:24:42
Total disgrace
TurdFerguson87 - 07.19.2024 22:25:45
If they're not at least getting punished (which I do not agree with), I hope those keys would be resupplied, or at least given to those who were waiting this whole time.
ArlanMartins - 07.19.2024 22:27:38
Thank you, Megumin.
Alaskan Mageborn - 07.19.2024 22:29:43
Also unfair that those of us who stayed up/logged in and tried all the reloading and cache clearing didn't get a chance and now have to make time on a Monday workday afternoon. Those not knowing html codes etc. to hit claim too bad I guess.
❤ めぐ ☕ みん ❤ - 07.19.2024 22:30:46
@MiguelAngelOA Can't assure but they said they'll try to look if they could get some extras or not.
❤ めぐ ☕ みん ❤ - 07.19.2024 22:32:54
@chepua Chaotic combination of disasters
❤ めぐ ☕ みん ❤ - 07.19.2024 22:34:15
@TurdFerguson87 Just hope their **POSSIBLY** will become true if they manage it.
dreZmoL - 07.19.2024 22:38:17
I don't agree that there are no sanctions for those who modified the code. I guess they already have too many problems to deal with this as well. 🗿
MasterZangdar - 07.19.2024 22:38:30
i don't understand how some keys got exhausted while the vault never opened...