What time does the March Game Vault actually open? The Game Vault page states that it opens at 3 PM PT/2300 UTC on March 22nd. However, those times do not line up. Daylight Savings Time begins on March 10 in the United States and Canada. So 2300 UTC on March 22nd is actually 4 PM PT. So, does the Game Vault actually open at 3 PM PT, or does it open at 4 PM PT (based on 2300 UTC)?
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03.01.2024 05:58:34 - Aradiel. -
PT is standard time, very rarely called PST. Daylight savings time is called PDT. Just go by UTC.
03.01.2024 12:17:53 - ❤ めぐ ☕ みん ❤ -
Personally I'd go with UTC only, since that's the value that won't change at all. Daylight Saving probably AWA side haven't considered it when making that banner. But wait for official statement then we'll confirm if it's fine if we go by U
03.01.2024 20:38:25 - Fruit Punch Samurai -
Good catch. AWA changed it to 2200 UTC on the Vault page.
03.02.2024 12:36:40 - Pylawn -
I’m going to blame this on Daylight Savings still being the worst thing ever… should be fixed now though!