It would be nice to see older but popular games added to the game valut list!
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05.09.2024 07:41:18 - anonumos -
I could be wrong but I think Alienaware receives those keys for free as part of a promotion or publicity stunt. Giving away old games would meant they have to buy it soo.... don't think it's gonna happen.
05.09.2024 10:11:00 - StompsDaWombat -
They occasionally work one in here or there but, yeah, it'd be great to see that happen more often. No Man's Sky wasn't exactly a new release and it still sold out in a heartbeat, so there's clearly some interest in notable older titles.
05.09.2024 10:38:55 - anonumos -
@StompsDaWombat -NMS was sold partly because it was well known and partly because it was the only one from the march vault who didn't had a "total crap" rating on steam; it was old but on march 27 devs launched a new update/chapter (1)
05.09.2024 10:40:42 - anonumos -
(2) Orbital ; and I don't argue about the fact that people want some older title (I'm part of the crowd) but I don't see Awa funding such endeavor without publishers support.
05.09.2024 10:43:06 - anonumos -
(3) The vault who sold NMS opened on March 22. Forgot to add this information.
05.10.2024 06:35:11 - NightLizard -
im saving my arp to games which are worth it tbh, i didnt redeem a single game until now :)
05.10.2024 17:51:53 - Stranger15 -
I prefer older games too. Nostalgia aside, older games were usually passion projects and the dev teams behind them loved what they were creating and were given time to bring their artistic vision into fruition.
05.10.2024 17:57:41 - Stranger15 -
Now, new games are either rushed nothing-burgers put in shiny wrappers hastily expelled by teams of rushed, unpaid, overstressed devs, or the lovechilds of entitled inexperienced political activists put on the helm of milliondollar projects
05.10.2024 18:03:55 - Stranger15 -
I miss the time of the Bioshocks, Vamprie the Masquarade Bloodlines, the Dragon Ages, The Silent Hills, the Devil May Crys, the time where writing, visual exposition, fun gameplay and storytelling were at their peak.
05.10.2024 18:08:23 - Stranger15 -
I decided to upgrade my outdated computer after 10 years to be able to play more games, and I still find myself returning to Fallout 3, Stalker Anomaly and Dark Messiah of Might and Magic because I do not find the new releases interesting:)