

If you own The Elder Scroll Online, ESO Plus is on a one week free trial right now.

This is a good opportunity to get crafting materials moved to the craft bag to free up inventory/bank space, dye costumes to stand out, play storylines and zones you don't normally have access to and get skillpoints, or unlock skill lines such as Thieves Guild, Dark Brotherhood, and Antiquities Scrying.
The latest chapter, West Weald, isn't included, but tonnes of other content is available to enjoy.
Details for the ESO Plus trial that's on now until the nineteent
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12.12.2024 19:21:18 - MysteriousMrX -
Some people seem to be having issues logging in right now, so don't panic if you can't get in there at the moment: just try again later.
12.12.2024 23:45:59 - chal8 -
what happens to the stuff in the craft bag after the trial runs out? 🤔
12.13.2024 02:39:15 - War_Child_82 -
@chal8 It stays in your craft bag, if you craft a weapon it'll use the craft bag contents first. So fill it.
12.13.2024 04:12:52 - MysteriousMrX -
@chal8 Craft bag stuff can be taken out after ESO Plus ends, but you won't be able to add more stuff to the bag. Same goes for the doubled Bank, and House furnishings storage, until those are under normal limits.
12.13.2024 04:14:56 - MysteriousMrX -
TFW when you tell the community to go sign up just as ESO experiences a 'historic outage' and goes offline for hours and hours...