/ 240
07.20.2024 11:35:11 -
Aradiel. -
If you logged in every day this month, you missed out on the border, and the ARP from the 7 day streak. The only people that will get that border are people that skipped a day. It's also possible they will give it to us later.
07.20.2024 12:44:21 -
MosesC -
I'm behind but was supposed to get the first border yesterday. I still haven't gotten that yet.
07.20.2024 13:08:26 -
mourag31 -
+ daily login Arp It's global issue it seems... It's reported by multiple people
07.20.2024 15:05:29 -
TurdFerguson87 -
Mine doesn't come in until tomorrow, supposedly.
07.20.2024 15:07:18 -
TurdFerguson87 -
Wait...I don't have the rings either! What the heck is going on?
07.20.2024 18:03:17 -
Fruit Punch Samurai -
Yesterday, this issue with the Daily Login rewards helped prepare me to be disappointed with the opening of the Game Vault. 😦
07.20.2024 20:51:08 -
Don't be sad, this is just how it works out sometimes.