For how long i should watch the twitch stream to get my ARP???
frank479 - 07.02.2024 23:45:38
An hour and a half tops but it depends on what artifacts you have equipped.
Aradiel. - 07.03.2024 00:25:36
16x3=48 mins in your case. 1 ARP every 3 mins. You're not watching the stream, you're watching the widget. If that doesn't say you're earning ARP, then you get nothing.
KaosEngineer - 07.03.2024 00:44:24
Make sure to scroll down the page to activate the Alienware Rewards Tracker. It should read, "Hoorah,! You are currently earning ARP the easy way!" If not, no points will be received until you refresh the page, scroll down to activate it.
john1kevin - 07.03.2024 00:52:47
Thank you all, appreciate it 🙏
AIlike - 07.03.2024 05:40:26
I have te alienware rewards tracker activated but it just doesn't work. Once I got the 15 arp. Yesterday I got 1 ARP. But usually I'll refresh the page, it'll briefly show max cap reached and then incomplete 0 arp.
john1kevin - 07.03.2024 14:37:50
I got the cap reached message so i guess there is limit on how much ARP u gain from stream watching