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Here I am, ready to play. Gaming enthusiast without free time to actually play video games but eager to learn anything


Here I am, ready to play. Gaming enthusiast without free time to actually play video games but eager to learn anything

Hate this relay, it just makes no sense.
0 / 240
02.23.2024 22:18:08 - MjrPITA -
You are not alone.
02.23.2024 23:03:31 - PeppermintButler -
What about it makes no sense? It's pretty straightforward.
02.24.2024 03:44:39 - NodOff -
Agreed, it's awful. Navigating and using it are both bad experiences. The functionality is also very limited.
02.24.2024 05:42:07 - Not Ripley -
I actually didn't like it at first, but it's grown on me. It's like Facebook, Twitter etc.
02.24.2024 15:03:49 - cebolletagames -
What about replying to comments? does it work in any way? Searching for something here is awful. Very limited utility.