Flippin' Misfits Game Key Giveaway

Repeat after us: Normal-gravity combat is for wusses.

Get ready to join the Flippin Misfits – a gang of fun-loving young daredevils – to slash, dash, and flip your way to bragging rights in this colorful, chaotic, gravity-swapping melee brawler

About Flippin Misfits

Your arena is the Arkade, a stolen starship parked by a trio of black holes known as The Blank. Using odds and ends drifting by, the gang has transformed their clubhouse into the weirdest, deadliest playground in the galaxy. From environments to characters, sci-fi and underground aesthetics collide to create a funky neon-pastel world, with a soundtrack to match. And those footprints on the ceiling? All part of the game. Strap on your Blazarpack and become a gravity-bending gladiator, hunting down opponents across any surface inside or outside the ship. Check out Flippin' Misfits on Steam to learn more!