ARK: Homestead - Structures and Kibble Rework

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ARK: Homestead! Structures and Kibble Rework! LIVE 3/5/2019

Homestead is a free update to ARK that vastly improves pre-existing structures and their placement options, as well as offering a myriad of additional pieces to utilize in any way your imagination can conjur. Triangle floors, half walls, angled pieces and much more provides survivors a whole other level in creative potential. Every building made from beginning to end can now look as unique as its builder. Homestead also delivers a complete rework of the existing Kibble system (the most efficient way to tame creatures) to be even more user and server friendly.

ARK: Survival Evolved has been updated to bring the new Homestead update online. According to developers, it brings improved structures and placement options alongside a number of new construction pieces such as triangle floors, half-walls, angled pieces and more.

If you can dream it, you can build it! Homestead includes the major elements of Structures Plus (S+), a player created Sponsored Mod by Orionsun. S+ has maintained a large following of users over an extended period of time, and its move to console has long been requested. We are particularly excited to finally be able to share this with our console survivors who will be using it for the very first time.

In addition to new home-building options, players will also find a number of improvements to the "Kibble System". "Each creature now falls into one of six categories and that creature's egg can be used to tame any creature within that specific category." Effectively, players will find only six types of eggs rather than the 50+ prior to the update. Eggs can be found in Basic, Simple, Regular, Superior, Exceptional and Extraordinary types.

Check out the full notes on the ARK: Survival Evolved site or down below:

It's finally arrived! We're beyond thrilled to be releasing Structure Plus (S+) and the long-awaited kibble rework (now packaged together as 'Homestead') to all of our survivors March 5th 2019!


If you can dream it, you can build it! Homestead includes the major elements of Structures Plus (S+), a player created Sponsored Mod by Orionsun. S+ has maintained a large following of users over an extended period of time, and its move to console has long been requested. We are particularly excited to finally be able to share this with our console survivors who will be using it for the very first time.


Here are the new building features included in Homestead:

  • Dedicated bulk storage
  • Triangle foundations, ceilings and roof pieces
  • Four high walls
  • Fence supports for level walls
  • Flexible pipes and electrical cables
  • Double doors
  • Swappable variants for ramps/stairs
  • New visual variants for existing structures



Along-side the update to structures we also have our kibble rework included in this patch! Previously the Kibble system worked like a tree, the egg of one creature being used in a kibble to tame the next creature in line. Often these kibbles didn’t make sense in terms of game progression and became more redundant with each new creature that was added to the game. Each creature now falls into one of six categories, and that creature’s egg can be used to tame any creature within that specific category. Instead of having 50+ different kibbles all requiring a different specific egg, it is drastically reduced to: Basic, Simple, Regular, Superior, Exceptional, and Extraordinary kibbles!


You can expect the Homestead update to hit your respective platform around 10am PST tomorrow starting with PC and concluding with PS4. We invite you to watch our Homestead trailer to see a preview of the variety of structures that are now possible. All of the builds featured in the trailer are player-created and you can find links to how to build the structures in the video description. It has been an amazing experience for us to see our dedicated players create things we could have never imagined! 


We hope these changes to ARK inspire survivors to turn their wooden shack on the beach into the fortress of their dreams!

Homestead patch notes:



  • Variant System
    • Added Structure variant system to cycle visuals for a structure
  • Structure Pickup
    • Enabled pickup of the following structures:
      • Elevator Platforms
      • Elevator Tracks
      • Electric Generator
      • Grill
      • Industrial Forge
      • Industrial Grinder
      • Chem Bench
      • Fabricator
      • Tek Generator
      • Tek Replicator
      • Tek Transmitter
    • Disabled pickup of Bee Hives
    • Added ServerSettings ini config option StructurePickupHoldDuration to allow unofficials to configure (or disable by setting to 0) the quick-pickup hold duration
    • Changed default for quick-pickup to 0.5 seconds (from 1 second)
  • Structure Additions
    • Added 'Smooth' sidewall variants (like the stone foundation) to the stock square foundations [Adobe, Metal, Stone, Tek, Thatch, Wood]
    • Triangle foundations [Adobe, Metal, Stone, Tek, Wood]
    • Triangle ceilings [Adobe, Metal, Stone, Tek, Wood, Greenhouse]
    • Triangle roofs [Adobe, Metal, Stone, Tek, Wood, Greenhouse]
    • Large (4x height) walls [Adobe, Metal, Stone, Tek, Wood]
    • Flexible pipes [Stone, Metal]
    • Flexible electrical cables
    • Stairs (with freely swappable ramp variant) [Adobe, Metal, Stone, Tek, Wood]
    • Double door frames [Adobe, Metal, Stone, Tek, Wood]
    • Double doors [Adobe, Metal, Stone, Tek, Wood]
    • Tek Dedicated storage (Tek structure that allows storing a large amount of a single resource)
    • Fence supports (allows you to build fences that are level along the top) [Adobe, Metal, Stone, Tek, Wood]

Kibble Rework

  • Categorized Kibble
  • Creatures prefer their category of Kibble or above
  • Produced
    • Allosaurus - Superior
    • Ankylosaurus - Regular
    • Archaeopteryx - Simple
    • Argentavis - Superior
    • Baryonyx - Regular
    • Basilisk - Exceptional
    • Brontosaurus - Exceptional
    • Carbonemys - Regular
    • Carnotaur - Regular
    • Compy - Simple
    • Dilophosaur - Basic
    • Dimetrodon - Regular
    • Dimorphodon - Simple
    • Diplodocus - Regular
    • Dodo - Basic
    • Featherlight - Basic
    • Gallimimus - Simple
    • Giganotosaurus - Exceptional
    • Glowtail - Basic
    • Hesperornis - Extraordinary
    • Ichthyornis - Simple
    • Iguanodon - Simple
    • Kairuku - Basic
    • Kaprosuchus - Regular
    • Kentrosaurus - Regular
    • Lystrosaurus - Basic
    • Mantis - Superior
    • Megalania - Superior
    • Megalosaurus - Superior
    • Micro Raptor - Simple
    • Morellatops - Simple
    • Moschops - Superior
    • Oviraptor - Simple
    • Snow Owl - Superior
    • Pachycephalosaurus - Simple
    • Pachyrhinosaurus - Regular
    • Parasaur - Basic
    • Pegomastax - Simple
    • Pelagornis - Regular
    • Pteranodon - Simple
    • Pulmonoscorpius - Regular
    • Quetzalcoatlus - Exceptional
    • Raptor - Simple
    • Rex - Exceptional
    • Rock Drake - Extraordinary
    • Sarcosuchus - Regular
    • Spinosaur - Superior
    • Stegosaurus - Regular
    • Tapejera - Superior
    • Terror Bird - Regular
    • Therizinosaurus - Exceptional
    • Thorny Dragon - Regular
    • Titanboa - Superior
    • Triceratops - Simple
    • Troodon - Regular
    • Velonasaur - Regular
    • Vulture - Basic
    • Wyvern - Extraordinary
    • Yutyrannus - Exceptional
  • Preferred
    • Allosaurus - Superior
    • Angler Fish - Regular
    • Ankylosaurus - Regular
    • Araneo - Simple
    • Archaeopteryx - Simple
    • Argentavis - Superior
    • Baryonyx - Regular
    • Basilosaurus - Exceptional
    • Beelzebufo - Regular
    • Brontosaurus - Exceptional
    • Carbonemys - Regular
    • Carnotaur - Regular
    • Castoroides - Superior
    • Daeodon - Superior
    • Dilophosaur - Basic
    • Dimetrodon - Regular
    • Dimorphodon - Simple
    • Diplocaulus - Simple
    • Diplodocus - Regular
    • Direbear - Superior
    • Direwolf - Superior
    • Dodo - Basic
    • Doedicurus - Regular
    • Dunkleosteus - Superior
    • Gallimimus - Simple
    • Gasbags - Superior
    • Giant Bee - Simple
    • Gigantopithecus - Regular
    • Giganotosaurus - Exceptional
    • Griffin - Extraordinary
    • Ichthyornis - Simple
    • Ichthyosaurus - Simple
    • Iguanodon - Simple
    • Kairuku - Basic
    • Kaprosuchus - Regular
    • Karkinos - Exceptional
    • Kentrosaurus - Regular
    • Lymantria - Regular
    • Mammoth - Superior
    • Managarmr - Exceptional
    • Megalania - Extraordinary
    • Megaloceros - Simple
    • Megalodon - Superior
    • Megalosaurus - Superior
    • Megatherium - Superior
    • Mesopithicus - Basic
    • Morellatops - Simple
    • Mosasaurus - Exceptional
    • Onyc - Simple
    • Snow Owl - Superior
    • Pachycephalosaurus - Simple
    • Paraceratherium - Superior
    • Parasaur - Basic
    • Pegomastax - Simple
    • Pelagornis - Regular
    • Phiomia - Basic
    • Plesiosaurus - Superior
    • Pteranodon - Regular
    • Pulmonoscorpius - Regular
    • Purlovia - Regular
    • Quetzalcoatlus - Exceptional
    • Raptor - Simple
    • Rex - Exceptional
    • Rock Elemental - Extraordinary
    • Sabertooth - Regular
    • Sarcosuchus - Regular
    • Spinosaur - Exceptional
    • Stegosaurus - Regular
    • Tapejera - Superior
    • Terror Bird - Regular
    • Therizinosaurus - Exceptional
    • Thorny Dragon - Regular
    • Thylacoleo - Extraordinary
    • Triceratops - Simple
    • Velonasaur - Regular
    • Woolly Rhino - Superior
    • Yutyrannus - Extraordinary


  • Fixed exploit related to water well
  • Fixed exploit related to Titan downloads
  • Fixed exploit related to Velonasaurs
  • Fixed exploit related to Platform Saddles


  • Fixed crash related to shoulder pets
  • Fixed crash related to Taxidermy    


  • Fixed issue with Managarmr breath causing flyers to teleport
  • Fixed Managarmr's forward dash not triggering consistently when spamming it
  • When Managarmr freezes a dino with a rider, the rider will no longer be dismounted but rather frozen for 1 second
  • Character frozen visual effect should change more smoothly
  • A player frozen either standing, crouching, or prone can no longer change that state
  • Duration of frozen for player characters is now a function of health and armor rating
  • Duration of frozen for player characters is significantly reduced overall
  • Cheat spawning a dino should no longer cause you to get stuck on that dino if it dies while being frozen by Managarmar Ice breath
  • Reduced Managarmr ice breath damage ~25%
  • Added new freeze immune icon


  • Fixed buildable space outside of bounds
  • Fixed multiple holes and meshing locations
  • Moved Desert Titan player spawn point to an area inside the structure prevention zone
  • Fixed climbable trees in Extinction


  • Base affinity increased by 30% now that it has a preferred kibble

Ice Wyverns

  • Fixed creature icon being blank

Item Stacks

  • Fixed ConfigOverrideItemMaxQuantity issue with RawPrimeMeat


  • Reduced Mosasaurus speed per level up by 50%     


  • Reduced Manta speed per level up by 75%


  • Set gasbags to mature at the rate of Wooly Rhinos due to similar utility capabilities


  • Increased damage required to enrage a giga by 55%

Corrupted Heart

  • Fixed item to use correct icon

Mind Wipe

  • Characters can be respeced once every 24 hours


  • Improved search filtering on inventory and crafting menus


  • Set Primitive Elevator Platforms and Tracks to be craftable by wood instead of requiring fungal wood

Additional PS4/Xbox patch notes:



  • Fixed exploit related to Tek Swords
  • Fixed exploit related to Rafts on Center


  • Fixed managarmr space launch bug 
  • Managarmr ice breath is no longer stopped by Dino Leash
  • Speculative fix for the Managarmr breath client crash
  • Whistle Stop and Whistle Follow will interrupt the current ability
  • Ice breath freeze amount is now more significantly reduced by distance
  • Clamped forward dash movement to horizontal plane


  • Disable following after releasing from Cryo
  • Now show gender in the tooltip
  • Tribe log displays the name of the cryopod owner who's cryopod broke
  • Fix for dino owner not transferring when stealing a cryopod with a dino in it


  • Removed the Ruins of Nosti gate
  • Reduced shadow cost of some meshes


  • Defenders are harvestable for light robotic materials

Bear Traps

  • Bear traps are now placeable again!

Tek Dinos

  • Now drop electronics/metal as intended


  • Fixed players getting stuck when walking off foundations in single player

Desert Titan

  • Reduced tamed Desert Titan total hp by 1/3
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