Elder Scrolls Online Players to Receive 3 Race Change Tokens Ahead of Racial Balance

  • 24

The team has heard player feedback about "the total number of high level characters from ESO accounts" and will be awarding every player three race change tokens and three name change tokens. These will be automatically added to player accounts ahead of Update 21 when the changes to racials go into effect. We think that's a pretty classy move altogether.

From our earlier coverage:

The changes are needed, according to the post, because there are "a lack of effective options in picking your race/class combination" and because "many of the racial bonuses do not have universal applicability".

The goals for the update include:

  • more effective options when picking a race and role
  • the equalization of "overall power that each race provides"
  • retention and enhancement of "the unique feeling and gameplay patterns"
  • improvement of the "sense of progression that racial passives provide"
  • "obeying our rich and structured lore and storytelling"

In addition, players will be able to purchase a specially priced bundle of name/race change tokens from the Crown Store if more are needed.

Read the community reaction on the Elder Scrolls Online site.

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