Twitter reacts to $276 Fallout 76 jacket with a bunch of bag jokes

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Yesterday, the official Fallout Twitter account announced that leather Fallout 76 jackets were being sold in the Bethesda store. At a price of $276, the lambskin leather jacket is bright blue with yellow piping, a big 76 on the back, a small 76 on the front, and lined with "silky, shiny taffeta fabric."

Deep breath: So, you probably remember the Fallout 76 'bag-gate' fiasco in which customers who purchased the $200 Fallout 76 collector's edition, which was advertised as coming with a canvas Fallout 76 bag, but it actually came with a nylon bag, which was met with outrage, to which Bethesda first offered a small amount of Atoms (in-game currency) as recompense, before the outrage over that convinced them to go ahead and replace all the nylon bags with canvas ones, after which a number of customers submitting support tickets for those replacement bags had their private information leaked due to a problem with Bethesda's website? Exhale.

Anyway. As you'd expect given all of the above—plus the crinkly, plastic-looking nature of the bright blue leather jacket, combined with the price, combined with the ill-fitting appearance of the jacket on one of the models, and also the fact that the leather jacket comes "packaged inside a Fallout 76 garment bag" [emphasis mine]—Twitter immediately responded with lots of bag jokes.

Made from real @BethesdaStudios leather! 23, 2019

Post production some items may of slightly changed, but rest assured it's the best quality that you deserve 23, 2019

What we’re told vs what we get (please take your time on ES6) 23, 2019

Like, let's be real. Did yall really think you would get any form of positive response after the bag incident? Maybe the people who paid $200 for a $5 bag should get this "leather" jacket FOR FREE.  @Fallout @bethesda 23, 2019

Gonna look so fine... 24, 2019

Fresh out of the Vault! These premium #Fallout76 leather jackets are now available on BethesdaGear! 24, 2019

Quality leather! 23, 2019

Got mine today 24, 2019

The above is what your thinking your going to get....and this is what your really gonna get if you order this jacket... 24, 2019

Dang, this new jacket looks fresh you guys 24, 2019

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