Rainbow Six Siege Ranked Mode is Leaving Beta

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Rainbow Six Siege’s ranked play is leaving beta, spoke the game’s brand director, Alexandre Remy In an interview at this weekend’s Six Major in Paris, Ranked play has been available in Rainbow Six Siege since the game was first released back in December 2015. But despite the mode having been available for nearly three years, (and spawning a healthy esports scene) Ubisoft is yet to declare it fully fit for purpose. Remy, however, says that that beta tag could be set to disappear in the not too distant future. Seems that Ubisoft is one step closer to fully releasing ranked mode. That’s not to say that there aren’t further issues to address, however, so don’t presume that a weapon misalignment fix will be a direct precursor to full ranked play.


Tags : Ubisoft, Rainbow Six Siege



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