Oops, Paladins are promoting with materials from Overwatch

  • 37

A heroic shooters Paladins and Overwatch are fiercely competitive. Overwatch is more popular, but Paladins is free to play, and like that forever. Exactly because of this rivalry it is interesting to us an mistake that happened to Hi-Rez studios, makers of Paladins. Namely, the same for the the promotion of their new mobile game Paladins Strike used the city panorama images of Lijiang Tower map from Overwatch.

Of course, this omission did not happen deliberately. After the similarities between the images have been noticed, Hi-Rez studios have decided to investigate how this has happened. Blame is not on them because the design of the promotional material was outsourced to another company, and the materials did not get green light before they were released to the public.

To make things worse, several players reported that this was not the only "borrowing" of Blizzard's material in Paladins Strike because after one glitch it was noticed also a background image of the Heroes of the Storm loading screen.

Tagged with: Controversy

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