Beginning of our Battlefield Incursions Series

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Welcome to the Beginning of our Incursions Series.

So lets start with some of the kits. This time we are going to visit the basics and the 'Squad Leaders'

The Basics. So in this new shiny competitive game-mode we have some new classes that are split into 3 designations 
- Squad Leaders
- Vehicle Operators
- Soldiers

You can have 1 Squad Leader, 1 Vehicle Operator and have 1 of each Soldier class. The class composition of your team is key as once the game begins no one can change their class. So make sure you pick the kit that is not only right for you but the team!

So the Squad Leaders who are they and what do they do?
Well the squad leaders are the two classes in incursions that tend to be the anchors and generally the captains of your teams, but that isn't always the case. There are 2 Squad Leaders to pick from and they fit two very different play styles.....Lets have a look at them.

The Raid Leader - This class is best suited for those Mid to Close range engagements with the ability to heal members of their team and help their team spawn into the field with help of a one use spawn beacon. Here is the loadout you can use as the Raid Leader:

Primary weapons
- Madsen MG Trench
- 12g Automatic Extendad
Secondary Weapon
- Mle 1903
- Bull Dog Revolver
- Bandage Pouch
- Spawn Beacon
- Impact Grenade
- Smoke Grenades

The Control Leader - This class is best at those Mid to Long ranges and definitely should not be near the front lines. It's best playing the supporting role with the flare gun and allowing their team to spawn on them. Stay hidden to allow your team a quick reinsert into the game. Let check his loadout out.

Primary weapons
- SMLE MKIII Marksman
- Autoloading 8. 35 Factory
Secondary Weapon
- Gasser M1870
- Mle 1903
- Flare Gun - Spot
- Crossbow Launcher - Smoke
- Incendiary Grenade
- Light Anti-Tank Grenade

Play on PC and want to get in on the action?

Visit our Facebook group: and contact Michael Laszlo Wilde‎ . If you are lucky you will get a Key from him ;)

*Incursions keys are only redeemable on the PC Platform.

If you want to know more then watch PresidentSlendy's Basics video here -

Credit for the photo goes to Rephi on the Incurssions discord

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