Twitch spammer faces criminal charges in Canada

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Brandan Apple of Port Coquitlam, British Columbia is facing charges in connection with a massive spambot attack against Twitch streamers that took place between February and May of 2017. According to the CBC, Apple is facing a charge of ''mischief in relation to computer data,'' for ''willfully causing multiple repetitive messages to be transmitted.''

The criminal charges are separate from, but connected to, a civil case filed in BC Supreme Court that sheds more light on what happened. The lawsuit claims that more than 1000 Twitch channels were affected by the attack, which saw 150,000 messages posted at an average rate of 34 per minute, and as rapidly as 600 per minute on some channels.

Twitch eventually traced the spam back to, a site allegedly run by Apple. The site is no longer up, but a video demonstrating the service that promises ''instant, unusable chat'' on  Twitch channels is still available on YouTube.

Replies • 144

Different countries, different laws, different sentences.