PES 2018 received a free version just two months after its release

  • 809

It's been only two months since the release, and PES 2018 Lite is already available, but if you bought PES 2018 for online components - you might now think that it was a stupid investment. Because, in the Lite version of PES you get the same engine, same presentation, Online myClub mode, PES League, offline exhibition matches, training mode, co-op playing, all teams and players, including veterans ... Actually, it would be easier to name what is missing in Lite version.

But, if to you is any consolation, Konami honestly got embarrassed by launching the F2P version, because the same literally is not working on the PC, and the other versions have problems with matchmaking which revolves endlessly. It's likely to be fixed over time, but the question remains whether this is a sign of PES series future and when we can expect that the same fully transition to the F2P model.

Tagged with: Free Games, Free To Play Games, PES Games

Replies • 224

It's a bold move to try and draw some FIFA 18 fans in, but oh my ... what a disasterous start.

What a phenomenal gaming experience. This game is all I've dreamt about. 20gb of space to display a black screen. Never seen it on steam before. Totally recommended for everyone who just likes to stare at a black screen.

The devs must be working overtime to ensure this doesn't have exacty the opposite effect they were hoping for.


LEL, Konami just played itself... WOW XD ( A Konami fan)

I just wish all people are forgiving as fans.... But the lite vs paid edition.... I didn't like that.... it ain't fair


Obviously straight sales numbers weren't where they wanted them to be.

So now it's a desperate attempt to get as many people as possible to install it and

hope they buy DLC.


such a joke game, they could just update the previous games if they wanted too but nope.

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