[Steamgift] Thoughts on further point system changes

  • 31

Thanks for all of the feedback on the recent changes. Overall, I think they're working well, and the last user poll on the forum seemed slightly in favor of the new point system. However, it's pretty clear any modifications to the point system will result in some heated debates, and I highly doubt any solution will appeal to everyone. Nonetheless, I would like to make a few more adjustments after talking to a wide range of people and reviewing comments the past week. I was thinking about making the following changes in the next couple of days...

1. Switching from 5P to 6P every 15 minutes. There is no right answer here, because some users found they still had too many points, and others believed they were too limited. I would like to raise it a little though, and I'm leaning towards 6P every 15 minutes, which will give users an extra 96P per day (576P compared to 480P) to join a few more giveaways.

2. Decreasing the point cap from 500P to 400P. After further thought, I think 500P is too high for the point cap, and it evens the odds a little too much for the once a day casual visitor compared to users that visit two or three times a day. I want to lower this to 400P. If we switch to 6P every 15 minutes as mentioned above, users would reach a 400P cap after 16.6 hours. This means a once a day visitor would be able to spend 400P, while a more frequent visitor could spend 576P. I think that's fair, it would give more regular users 44% more points compared to someone that just stops by once a day. I think it would be appreciated by more frequent visitors, and they only need to visit twice a day to get that benefit.

3. Switching the maximum number of points to enter a single giveaway back to 100P instead of 50P. I'm fairly indifferent about this change since it would affect a small number of giveaways. Users also seemed relatively split in a recent poll, but they voted in favor of 100P, so I'll side with the vote in this case.

Replies • 7


Since I only enter what I really want to Play, I never used my 300 Points. I don´t know why they increased it, it only brings more People to enter games they have no interest in. I don´t like the Change.


I'm a long time member of SG and opposite to what a lot of SG users has been doing this past week, I'll not express my attitude towards this update until I have giving it a month. 

I feel that I can judge it more fairly when I have given it an honest chance. 

Hello, I love you, won't you tell me your name

I don't like the cap decrease, I think 500 was a very good change.


I still don't like this site :/ there's an alternative site which I can't remember it's name *M*