New Mass Effect: Andromeda Multiplayer Patch Out Now

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A new patch has been released for Mass Effect: Andromeda. Update 1.10 is focused on the space RPG's multiplayer mode, and it fixes bugs and makes other small changes.

Starting off, Naladen explosion now gives damage when Cryo or Incendiary ammo is used. Additionally, there are changes to veteran ranks. As for the bug fixes, this update clears out a problem that caused the screen to blink red/yellow when using certain weapons. Additionally, the Dhan shotgun should now properly prime enemies.

You can see the full patch notes below, as posted on BioWare's website.

Andromeda launched in March. Though it did not resonate all that strongly with critics, EA CEO Andrew Wilson later said the franchise still has a bright future. A report from Kotaku claimed that EA put the Mass Effect series on hiatus and re-assigned developers to other projects instead of launching into a sequel right away.

If you're curious about Andromeda, you can try a 10-hour demo right now.

Recently, EA officially confirmed that Andromeda developer BioWare Montreal merged with Motive Studios, another EA developer based on Montreal.

Mass Effect: Andromeda July 31 Patch Notes:

  • Veteran ranks of characters will only drop after all characters of that rarity have been unlocked to rank 10.
  • Naladen explosion now deals damage when Cryo or Incendiary Ammo are equipped.
  • Fixed issue where Dwindling Supplies and Empty Resupply mission modifiers would not function correctly if a player left the game.
  • Dhan shotgun now properly primes enemies.
  • Fixed issue where Bulwark, Siphon, and Concussive variants of pistols and sniper rifles would prime enemies too slowly when using special ammo.
  • Fixed issue where using Supply Pack Transmitter would reduce spare ammo if Empty Resupply mission modifier was active.
  • Using First Aid with Supply Pack Transmitter no longer heals enemies.
  • Fixed issue that caused screen to blink red/yellow when using Siphon and Bulwark weapons.
  • Rank XIV Common Characters are no longer displayed as Rank XV
Replies • 5

this patch made the game awesome while playing.smooth gameplay with good ping rates.