Build yourself a new computer through PC Building Simulator

  • 41

Strange simulators so far have enabled us to experience what it's like to be a surgeon, goat, mountains and even a piece of bread. From these games, however, there was no other use except that we had a good laugh. Well, now is emerging a one simulator that could help all those who are building a new computer, especially those who are doing it for the first time.

PC Building Simulator has just entered the pre-alpha stage and is available for free in 0.01 version. It is actually rather the tool than a game, but again - is the application in which you watch the mountain is actually a game or screensaver that is sold on Steam as a simulator? Nevertheless, PC Building Simulator has 3D models of hardware components to precise dimensions, assembling computers tutorial and the possibility of touring configurations after being assembled.

Of course, the configuration in the game will not look like as in real life, nor will you be able to test its effectiveness, but will offer a rough outline of how much case will be packed, whether some components are disturbing the rest of the configuration and more like that.

PC Building Simulator can be downloaded at this link.


Tagged with: strange simulators, Gaming hardware

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