
Game Collector

[GOG] (Game) Oaken
0 / 240
11.29.2024 14:48:10 - KaosEngineer -
Says now on giveaway but also -60% and doesn't show up when clicking the GIveaway link.
11.29.2024 18:08:14 - KaosEngineer -
It worked now! Thanks
11.30.2024 00:28:50 - CarlosRuisu -
thx :)
11.30.2024 10:04:15 - kerravon -
Thanks for the info. Sometimes I wonder why I sign up for newletters from places like GOG as I always hear about these free games on here rather than from one of the many emails they bombard me with.
11.30.2024 14:11:03 - kerravon -
... and the GOG email advising me of this freebie appears 23 hours after Only4War1988's post here