Can't equip all my artifacts, just some selected ones. The right slot remains empty and I can only equip new ones into the middle slot, which already had an artifact... bonus: the 'equip' button doesn't work, can only equip with the 'upgrade' command. Any fixing planned?
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07.25.2024 14:59:16 - Tali.Zorah -
There's 2 types of Artifacts: Chaotic (that have perks and can be bought with ARP) and Static (can be obtained only through Achivements and have no perks). You can only equip Chaos Artifacts.
07.25.2024 15:00:23 - Tali.Zorah -
See what Artifacts have perks (Chaos Artifacts) and equip those. You can't and aren't supposed to equip all of your Artifacts.
07.26.2024 06:07:10 - Atter_2 -
Thanks for the answer: yes they are all chaotic ones, but I can't equip them to different slots and 2 useful ones replace each other...
07.26.2024 16:39:41 - Fruit Punch Samurai -
Working fine for me. I click on the artifact I want to equip, and then in the pop-up I click an empty or unlocked slot.
07.26.2024 23:51:01 - MysteriousMrX -
I see you have four equippable artifacts. There's ongoing issues due to caching where artifacts might get 'stuck' in a slot (locking the slot), and I'm wondering if maybe the third slot had an artifact in it at some point and got 'stuck'
07.26.2024 23:52:26 - MysteriousMrX -
when you unequipped it. You can try some of the fixes for a stuck cache, like changing the domain prefix (for instance, from to, or www., uk., etc.), or trying to upgrade an artifact that's
07.26.2024 23:54:08 - MysteriousMrX -
either maxed out or that you don't have enough fragments to upgrade. If that still doesn't work, and you're on Discord, you might want to post in the report-issue channel so they can investigate further.
07.27.2024 05:02:41 - Atter_2 -