

🎮 Game Vault - Aug 2024

Tier 𝟥+|𝟤𝟪𝟢𝟢 ARP|Wingspan
Tier 𝟤+|𝟤𝟨𝟢𝟢 ARP|Gori: Cuddly Carnage
Tier 𝟤+|𝟤𝟫𝟢𝟢 ARP|Dungeons of Hinterberg
Tier 𝟤+|𝟤𝟤𝟢𝟢 ARP|Flock
Tier 𝟣+|𝟤𝟦𝟢𝟢 ARP|M.O.O.D.S.
Tier 𝟣+|𝟤𝟢𝟢𝟢 ARP|Voltaire The Vegan Vampire
Tier 𝟣+|𝟣𝟫𝟢𝟢 ARP|Dream Tactics
Tier 𝟣+|𝟣𝟧𝟢𝟢 ARP|Apex Legends - 1k Coins
0 / 240
08.01.2024 00:53:38 - NightLizard -
After the issue with the Elder scrolls keys, i thought maybe in august we would get something nice, i thought wrong. Well, september i'll become tier 5, i need to wait and see if something nice drops by again ~
08.01.2024 01:02:07 - MiguelAngelOA -
@NightLizard maybe they will drop Space Marine II. Usually Focus games arrive at launch
08.01.2024 01:16:59 - Thalatash -
IDK, I'm excited for this month, but I like indie games a lot more than AAA. Voltaire, Gori, and Dungeons of Hinterberg look good. I'd add Wingspan if I didn't already own it, lol. Thanks for the list, Megumin! Your hard work is appreciated
08.01.2024 01:52:25 - jmfdemon -
Yeah I'm a mostly indie game player too so I'm hoping for Dungeons of Hinterberg, Gori or Voltaire.
08.01.2024 01:54:30 - Amentih -
Loving the indie titles! Thank you <3
08.01.2024 02:17:19 - jsmith1976 -
If Meta-Ghost didn't sell out in the previous vault, I highly doubt its sister game M.O.O.D.S. is going to sell at all...
08.01.2024 02:25:51 - fungoid_mass -
Why bother? Just gonna be emptied out before anyone can click anything.
08.01.2024 02:52:21 - aaronm32 -
Dungeons of Hinterberg has already been sold out. It's already a repeat of last month.
08.01.2024 02:54:09 - iubjaved -
this month is indie month! lets go!!!
08.01.2024 03:19:01 - fmda22 -
almost bought Dungeons Of Hinterberg, I hope bots lets some keys