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Mysterious Text Decipher


Scion of the Light: 2nd Sighting
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Whats the fastest way to earn ARP? Is there a "secret" to earning quickly?
Are chaotic artifacts only available through purchase and community events, or can they be "discovered" throughout Alienwarearena.com?
What's the next artifact going to be?? Do we get a new one in 3 hours, or will it take more time for AWA to put a new one on the marketplace?
Minigame froze when I tried submitting my score. Therefore, I receive no rewards at all? No ARP and definitely no DRP.
WTF Alienware Arena??? Feel free to compensate me with 20 DRP for the mishap on your behalf!
WTF Alienware Arena??? Feel free to compensate me with 20 DRP for the mishap on your behalf!
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Holy Cow it's Been 1 Year

Alienware Arena Training in Progress

Streak Lord

Edge Lord