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Redeemed the Alienware plush 6+ months ago, emailed the support email, and NOTHING. Now what? 🥲 (I’m in the USA)
3000 DRP by the end of the week! What do you think we’ll get next week for intel days??
Has ANYONE ever received physical merch from Alienware? I ordered the Alienware plush over 2 months ago and still waiting for it… (I’m in the USA)
It’s been 12 hours and my DRP did not apply to my account. For the Alienware anniversary (2 weeks of DRP points) every redemption applied… HELP!!! (I’m in the USA 🇺🇸)

I redeemed my ARP for an Alienware plush 2 weeks ago… no shipping or order confirmation in my inbox… now what? (I’m in the USA)
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Alienware Arena Training in Progress

Knower of Nothing

Alienware Arena Loves You

Streak Lord

Watching space paint dry