Project Genesis Game Modes

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Project Genesis is a sci-fi PVP shooter that fuses two types of gameplay: ship to ship combat with FPS close quarters battles via a key mechanic: the breach and board sequence.


Infors By Zoso: 

Project Genesis Game Modes:


Onslaught - Also known as "Attack/Defend"

Objective: Destroy the Capital Ship.
Map: Rift
Dynamic: One capital ship.  The teams take turns attacking and defending the ship.

1. Take down the ship shield in space and board.

2. There are four objectives: Bridge Security, Reactor Security, Core AI, and Thermal Charges.

3. Bridge Security lowers the forcefield allowing access to the Core AI.

4. Reactor security lowers the forcefield allowing access to the Reactor Room to plant the Thermal Charges.

5. Wincon is EITHER take the Core AI OR blow up the reactor with Thermal Charges.



Objective: Destroy the enemy Capital Ship.
Maps: Solar Storm, Enceladus, Carbonaceous
Dynamic: Each team has their own capital ship. 

1. Take down the ship shield in space and board.

2. There are four objectives: Bridge Security, Reactor Security, Core AI, and Thermal Charges.

3. Bridge Security lowers the forcefield allowing access to the Core AI.

4. Reactor security lowers the forcefield allowing access to the Reactor Room to plant the Thermal Charges.

5. Wincon is EITHER do ALL objectives to blow up the enemy ship OR win by score when time expires.



Objective: Capture and hold control points to earn team score.
Maps: Overlook, The Ring
Dynamic: Each team starts in space, some control points are in space, some inside the ship(Overlook) or the space station(Ring).

1. Fight in space for the outer control points.

2. Fight inside for the inner control points.

3. Wincon is EITHER make it to 1000 team points first OR have more team points when time expires.

More Infos:

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Replies • 30


the game world is getting bigger (huge) and more realistic, but the main thing (still) - the confrontation of people from different countries in the form of a game and then there is not much time left for views of nature..
