AMD Ryzen 3 3300X vs Intel i5-9400F - Budget CPU Comparison

  • 39
How does AMD’s new Ryzen 3 3300X CPU compare against Intel’s i5-9400F? I’ve benchmarked games at 1080p and 1440p resolutions to show you the gaming differences, both at stock settings and while overclocked. I’ve also tested a number of other applications including rendering and video editing software suites like Adobe Premiere and Photoshop. We’ll also compare temperatures and power draw to help you decide which CPU is worth it for the money. *** Check US Pricing *** AMD Ryzen 3 3300X: https://amzn.t
Replies • 4
Interesting. It’s cool to see these comparisons being someone who doesn’t know a lot about computers

Icemanbmj said: Interesting. It’s cool to see these comparisons being someone who doesn’t know a lot about computers

amd cpu is very good and cpu only can run cod warzon not like intel 
