New Fallout 76 patch breaks the game, fans think the game needs a test server

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Recently FO76 received a new update on July 16th, but things haven't gone smoothly since its release. Some players reported that they've lost their Power Armor sets (you can read more in this reddit thread).

We are looking into issues being reported after patch 11 yesterday and plan on releasing a hotfix later today. We are canceling today's livestream and will speak with you in the forums, on Reddit, and social.

17 Jul 2019

The hotfix planned for today has been postponed until tomorrow. We need a little more time to look into the fixes we're working on for Legendaries and others. We'll provide an update as soon as we have timing. Thanks for your patience.

17 Jul 2019 

 While Bethesda tried fixing the problems on their own, some fans took to the forums and reddit to say it's high time FO76 got a Test Server:

Hey dear Bethesdateam, i know you create these wonderful bugfixes and other contentpatches and testing them on your own. But we, the community got a lot of time and we are more people with different builds and interests. We could find more bugs and other broken stuff in less time. Give us a chance to be a bigger part in this game and let us work togather and test these patches with you before it hits the live-servers. After every patch the community finds a lot of "broken" stuff in just a few minutes / hours. We could prevent those things. 

Let's be honest Bethesda, you released this game unfinished, Hell Todd Howard himself said so. My gripe isn't that you went the "Game's as a service" route, but rather the fact you seem to ignore a lot of the feedback the community gives you. It reminds me of a certain other game to grace the market last year. Sea of Thieves, when Sot launched it had a plethora of negative reviews and backlash, but they managed to turn that around, while fallout... sadly hasn't. Now one thing that could easily fix this would be a tester build of the game, similar to what Rare does with they're insider build. These programs give you direct feedback from the customer, while rewarding us with both a more polished update and a small prize for playing, maybe a few atoms every week? This system has shown to help games, and I would really like to see this game flourish with one.

Hopefully Bethesda will listen to their players and will let the fans test content before it gets release in the FO76.

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